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Gaming, Consoles and Creativity

Livestream event:

Thursday, 22 February 2024
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET

Asynchronous viewing:

Available from Monday, February 26
to Friday, March 1 2024

*Registrations for this event are closed. Thank you for understanding.

Today, video games - on our phones, computers and consoles - are a part of everyday life. But did you know that those same games not only take thousands of hours to create and require complex tech to run, but also need to be disposed of in specific ways?

Get ready to explore the creativity and ingenuity that goes into gaming, as we follow along the lifecycle of your favourite video games and consoles, from their conception at a video game design studio, to being put together at a factory that makes tiny parts for electronics, and finally ending at an electronics recycling plant!


  • Site 1: Video game design studio

    The first site we’ll be visiting on this virtual field trip is a video game design studio, to see where and how the magic of video games happens! We’ll meet video game designers who’ll show us what programs and coding they use, how they build levels, characters, and much more!

  • Site 2: Hardware factory

    Next up, we’ll take a peek at what’s behind the screens of our games as we visit a hardware manufacturer that makes parts like electronic chips that make our consoles and computers work! We’ll get to see how those parts are manufactured, and discover the intricacy behind that process!

  • Site 3: Electronics recycler

    The last site we’ll be visiting on this virtual field trip will answer the question of what happens to or electronics after we’re done with them, as we visit an electronics recycling facility! In this final destination of many of our favourite consoles and computers, we’ll find out how our electronics get broken down, and what happens to their materials!

*Please note that all event sites are subject to change without notice.


Who is this for?

  • Any math, science, social studies and languages class with students with a keen interest in video games, their creation and the impact they can have on the environment

  • Social studies and language classes investigating how the Sustainable Development Goals: “Responsible consumption and production” and “Innovation & Infrastructure”

  • Science classes investigating the sustainability of products and their lifecycle

  • Math classes looking for career-based application of geometry, perspective views and scale in 3D models and projections as well as real-world coding

  • Communications and Computer Technology students researching the impact current technologies have on the environment and identifying ways of reducing harmful effects, as well as courses developing hardware and software for a specific purpose

  • Media Arts students exploring emerging technologies and tools to create media for video game audiences and understanding their environmental impacts

  • Career and SHSM programs could use this as a promotional tool for students considering ICT, Arts & Culture or Environment

We always curate educational resource materials for every trip, to help educators of any subject area link their chosen field trip with their curriculum, and engage in all aspects of the Experiential Learning Cycle (Participate-Reflect-Apply).

Click here to see a sample document showing how educators may want to use this trip to engage in more experiential learning!

First time? Don’t sweat! Visit our How it Works page for an easy and comprehensive look at how to register and participate.

This event is also available in French! Click here to visit the French page.

Can’t attend the event live? Sign up for the asynchronous event option!

This registration option lets you watch the live event for up to a week after it’s aired, minus the interaction portion, with all the same pedagogical resources & support from E2 you need!

Simply click the Sign Up button below and select ‘Asynchronous’ for your event option of choice.