Climate Control:
Greenhouse Gases from Source to Solution

Livestream event:

Monday, April 22 2024
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET

(1:30PM -2:30PM BST)

Asynchronous viewing:

Available from Monday, April 29
to Friday, May 3 2024

Please note: Registration for this field trip is now closed. Sign up for our newsletter to be alerted when we offer it again.

We know greenhouse gas emissions like methane are a primary driver of climate change, but where do they come from, how do they impact us, and what can we do about them?

Join E2 Adventures as we launch into an in-depth exploration of greenhouse gases; from sources such as fossil fuels to the tracking of global GHG emissions from all human activity, and finally meeting innovators who are working to
reduce emissions around the world!


  • Site 1: Oil & Gas company

    Fossil fuels power the modern world and are also the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities—so let’s explore! First off on this adventure, we’ll visit an oil & gas industry site to learn where the products around us come from.

  • Site 2: GHG Detection

    Next up, it’s off to a company that specializes in identifying greenhouse gases that are usually invisible to the naked eye! We’ll discover how satellites are used to detect, track and measure methane emissions from space—from sources as small as individual oil and gas wells—and better understand the impact of GHGs around the world.

  • Site 3: GHG Reduction facility

    To finish, we'll dive into one of the many ways humans are trying to combat the climate crisis, by reducing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. We'll be visiting an innovative GHG-removal company that has developed a system to capture GHGs and remove them from the atmosphere! With the help of an expert, we will dive into their world and explore their process.

*please note that all sites are subject to change at any time.


Who is this for?

  • Any math, science, social studies and languages class interested in climate change and how greenhouse gases are created, monitored and addressed.

  • Social studies and language classes exploring the Sustainable Development Goals: “Climate Action” and “Innovation & Infrastructure”

  • Science classes discussing greenhouse gases and solutions to climate change, or Earth and Space and the development and use of satellites

  • Math classes looking looking at global scale collection and analysis of data

  • Geography classes investigating how human activities impact the world

  • Career and SHSM programs could use this as a promotional tool for students considering ICT or environment programs.

We always curate educational resource materials for every trip, to help educators of any subject area link their chosen field trip with their curriculum, and engage in all aspects of the Experiential Learning Cycle (Participate-Reflect-Apply).

Click here to see a sample document showing how educators may want to use this trip to engage in more experiential learning!