Water Works : Your city's circulatory system

This pre-recorded field trip will be made available to registered participants from June 4 to June 14, 2024.

Water makes up 71% of the Earth’s surface, and is a critical part of life; we drink it, we wash with it... we're even made of it! But how does it get into our taps and out of our homes, and more importantly, how do we make sure it's safe to use?

Join E2 Adventures on this exploration of the water system as we follow the incredible journey water takes, visiting a drinking water treatment center where they purify it from natural sources, delving deep into the pipes and sewer networks that it circulates through, and finally stopping at a wastewater treatment center where it is re-treated to go back to nature!


  • Site 1 : Water treatment plant

    The first site we’ll be visiting on this virtual field trip is a water treatment facility, which provides clean, safe drinking water for its local town. We’ll take a tour to discover how they extract water from local sources and ensure it’s safe for people to drink!

  • Site 2: Water infrastructure

    Next, we’ll follow the water we drink and use in our homes as it travels through the intricate water infrastructure of pipes, sewers and aqueducts that bring it from our taps to its final destination!

  • Site 3: Wastewater plant

    Finally, we’ll visit the place where used water goes to get treated before returning to nature, a wastewater plant! We’ll find out all about what needs to happen to make water safe to return to the environment, and how our communities are making that happen.

*please note that all sites are subject to change at any time.


Who is this for?

  • Any math, science, social studies and languages class interested in how the life-source of water gets to our schools and homes, and how technology helps to make sure it is safe

  • Social studies and language classes investigating SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation and SDG #14 Life Below Water

  • Math classes exploring the real-world applications of rates and percentages

  • Geography students working to identify various ways in which communities in Canada dispose of their waste material

  • Green Energy students exploring management strategies for assessing and controlling biotic and abiotic factors

  • Science classes studying water treatment systems and assessing the impact of human activities on water resources

  • Career and SHSM programs could use this as a promotional tool for students considering Environmental disciplines

We always curate educational resource materials for every trip, to help educators of any subject area link their chosen field trip with their curriculum, and engage in all aspects of the Experiential Learning Cycle (Participate-Reflect-Apply).

Click here to see a sample document showing how educators may want to use this trip to engage in more experiential learning!

This event is also available in French! Click here to visit the French page.

This is a pre-recorded event sent exclusively to those who register.

Sign up to get access!

Sign up now and you will receive free access to Water Works: Your city’s circulatory system
from June 4 to 14, so you can watch it when it best fits you and your students’ schedule.

Simply click the Sign Up button below!