Power Trip : Generating Electric Energy

Livestream event:

Thursday, January 18 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Asynchronous viewing:

Available from Monday, January 22
to Friday, January 26 2024 *

From our homes to our smartphones, electricity powers our lives. But what is this invisible energy source? Where does it come from, and how does it work?

Join us for an electrifying adventure across the power grid, as we discover how electricity is generated at a renewable energy plant, find out how electricity is transmitted & distributed through electrical infrastructure, then see firsthand how electricity is used and managed in large quantities by electrified public transportation!


  • Site 1: Renewable energy power plant

    To start our electrifying journey, let’s go where it all begins- a power plant! We’ll be visiting a site that harnesses natural forces to generate electrical current and power, otherwise known as ‘renewable energy’, and learning about the various machines and processes that allow that to happen!

  • Site 2: Electricity distribution

    Now how does all this amazing energy get to us? Let’s explore how electricity gets from point A to B, to consumers everywhere by getting up close and personal with things like the electrical grid, utility poles and energy transformers that make it possible to move energy.

  • Site 3: Electrified public transportation

    So once electricity gets to its destination, how is it used to fuel industries that use big amounts of electricity to serve many people? How better to answer that than checking out an energy consuming juggernaut like public transportation! We’ll go on the ground to have a look at their system and investigate how they fit into the sustainability conversation!

*please note that all sites are subject to change at any time.


Who is this for?

  • Any math, science, social studies and languages class interested in how electricity is created and distributed to support modern civilization.

  • Social studies and language classes investigating how the work of companies relate to the SDGs: “Affordable & Clean Energy” and “Responsible Consumption & Production”

  • Science and technology classes exploring the real-world impacts of energy production and distribution on the environment, society and the economy

  • Math classes exploring some real-world applications of geometry and related subjects

  • Career and SHSM programs could use this as a promotional tool for students considering their Environment, Manufacturing and Energy programs

We always curate educational resource materials for every trip, to help educators of any subject area link their chosen field trip with their curriculum, and engage in all aspects of the Experiential Learning Cycle (Participate-Reflect-Apply).

Click here to see a sample document showing how educators may want to use this trip to engage in more experiential learning!

First time? Don’t sweat! Visit our How it Works page for an easy and comprehensive look at how to register and participate.

This event is also available in French! Click here to visit the French page

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